Angry Redditors Trying to Bomb Game of Thrones Writers


The Freefolk Subreddit Redditors, unhappy with the last season of Game of Thrones, briefly managed to get a picture of their pilots D.B. Weiss and David Benioff rank in the search term "bad writers". Metro and Internal business were able to verify the success of the campaign, although search for the same term now returns images of these articles rather than the Reddit message itself.

Google Bombing describes the process of encouraging Google's algorithms to associate a search term with a generally independent topic. Sometimes it's search results and other times images. There are many examples of these campaigns over the years, but my favorite is probably the entry in Wikipedia briefly mentioned by Google for the search term "Define an English Person".

"Wrong writers" is not the only term that the / r / Freefolk subdirectory has attempted to associate images of Weiss and Benioff. Other publications have also tried to identify their images by the search terms "Dickheads" and "Dumb and Dumber". Despite the growing technicality of these publications, something about "Bad Writers" seems to have hit gold with Google's algorithms.

What about the frantic pace of the plot of the series, stupid big decisions that his most intelligent characters now seem to take at every turn, or the way the script now treats its Female characters, everyone seems to have their own problems with the way Game of Thrones' last season has progressed. But with a last episode to go, there is still time for Weiss and Benioff to reverse the situation … right?


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