Angry Scottish Mall cop gets mean to man recording video


Shopping centers are often private public spaces, and sometimes individual rights are not clear. In closed malls, however, like the one in this video, it may be best to stop filming when asked. On the other hand, it is better not to threaten and assault someone who refuses to do it, and this angry mall cop might have an explanation for the real ones.

While it’s true that the shopper is unmasked (or takes off his mask during the confrontation), that’s clearly not what the mall cop is crazy about.

PREMIUM: we are in Scotland.

Ah, knock him out a little bit, eh?

UPDATE: This is the Kingsgate shopping center in Dunfermline. They take the buyer’s complaint “very seriously”.

“We recognize that the actions of our security team members fall short of the high standards of professionalism expected by us and our customers…” wrote Neil Mackie, Mall Manager, in a statement. “The production of videos or still images is prohibited by the Home Office in private places open to the general public and is clearly marked at every entrance to Kingsgate Shopping Center. However, it appears we have not communicated this. in a manner appropriate to Mr. Newton. “

“Would it be funny if I knocked you out, eh?”


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