Anna Wintour defends controversial Kamala Harris cover from Vogue | Fashion


Anna Wintour has spoken about the controversy over the cover of Vogue’s Kamala Harris, who has been accused online of money laundering and disrespecting the vice president-elect.

The Vogue editor-in-chief defended the photo choice for the February cover, which showed Harris wearing Converse sneakers.

The image was reportedly chosen against Harris’s wishes, who would have wanted a more formal photograph of her wearing a blue Michael Kors suit to be used for the cover.

Tyler Mitchell, who photographed the cover, posted the photo of the Kors costume on his social media accounts.

In a statement to the New York Times, Wintour said: “Obviously we have heard and understood the reaction to the print cover and I just want to reiterate that it was absolutely not our intention, in any way, to diminish the importance of vice. -the incredible victory of the elected president.

Compared to the glamorous covers featuring Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, the image was widely seen as too casual. In a widely circulated article, Robin Givhan, the Washington Post fashion critic, wrote that the image “did not respect Kamala Harris. It was too familiar… Vogue has passed. It got too filling too quickly.

Wintour denied that Harris’ camp and Vogue agreed on the final image.

“There was no formal agreement on the choice of cover,” she said. “And when the two images arrived at Vogue, we all felt very, very strongly that the less formal portrayal of the Vice President-elect really reflected the moment we were living in.

Wintour added that she felt the image was “very, very accessible, accessible and real”.

Before the outcry over the coverage, Wintour told the New York Times Sway podcast, “I can’t imagine there is anyone who is really going to find this coverage other than [joyful] and positive. “

On social networks, users interrogates if Harris’ skin had been thinned out. In August, the magazine was accused of failing to properly light up cover star Simone Biles’ skin.

In June, Beverly Johnson, the first black model to appear on the cover of Vogue, criticized Wintour’s apology for not giving enough space to “uplift” black staff. Johnson has called for at least two blacks to be interviewed at Condé Nast (who owns Vogue) for senior roles.

“The fashion industry is hacking darkness for profit,” she said, “while excluding black people and preventing them from monetizing their talents. Dealing with racism is one of the things the fashion industry does well. “

In a statement, Vogue told The Guardian, “Our approach to working with Vice President-elect Harris and her team was to capture her as a leader and as a person, and how she was most comfortable.

“We worked closely on all the creative decisions, including getting her to dress and do her hair for the shoot, and both looks were selected by the Vice President-Elect and her team.

“Vogue selected the image of the print cover that we believe captured its optimism, personality and authenticity. Obviously, we love both images and celebrate both covers digitally. “


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