Announcement of the Nintendo switch from Persona 5 coming this month


Persona 5 Nintendo Switch Leak

Gaming INTEL has received exclusive information suggesting that Persona 5 would come on Nintendo Switch, with an announcement this month.

Since the Joker was introduced to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the first DLC character, speculation about a PS5 switch port exploded.

Is Persona 5 going through?

Atlus did not reveal any information regarding the upcoming introduction of Persona 5 on Nintendo Switch, although its publication still seems on the horizon.

In December 2018, Atlus registered a Persona 5S domain, which clearly indicated that the title would be passed to Switch. Since Gaming, INTEL has since received exclusive information suggesting that an announcement of Persona 5 Nintendo Switch is expected this month, but its launch seems almost confirmed.

Announcement of the Nintendo switch from Persona 5

Until now, an announcement date for Persona 5 Switch was simply discussions. However, very recent information, that Gaming INTEL is privileged to receive exclusively, indicates that the game will be unveiled this month, March 2019.

Our source claims;

"An announcement from Persona 5 Switch will take place this month. I can confirm that it's happening. "

If this is the case, the announcement of the game will inevitably be well received by the fans and by the whole community.

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Persona 5 Switch Release Date

According to a new rumor, Persona 5 is expected to make its entry into the system by the end of the year, in the fall of 2019 to be exact. Mr. Ohya has a good reputation, nevertheless, INTEL Gaming can not confirm the legitimacy of the leak in particular.

Mr. Ohya also claimed that an announcement would be made before May. As this is consistent with the information that Gaming INTEL has received, it seems that our sources have a much better idea of ​​when they will be revealed, as indicated above.

What do you think of the arrival of Persona 5 on Switch? When in March, do you think Atlus will unveil it? Let us know in the comments.


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