Another bitcoin break near $ 4000 where bulls rush?


Bitcoin costs more than $ 3,900 worldwide, although many scholarships still keep it at $ 3,850. Ethereum in excess of $ 140 could cost $ 150 before the end of the day. Bitcoin Cash is right behind. It's green everywhere you look. Even Bitcoin SV is on the rebound, resting at $ 68 after $ 155 million in transactions.

Of the 100 best crypto currencies, only 4 had a negative change of 24 hours. One was Paxos Standard. We should expect a high number of conversions with stablecoins today, a lot of turbulence in market capitalization, as people get their money back into various cryptos.

The other three called Aurora, Power Ledger and Ark. Together, they totaled less than $ 50 million in volume over 24 hours and Ark was the only big loser, down 14%. This probably has to do with people who cash in for Bitcoin or Ethereum, trying to catch the wave. They can come back when prices stabilize or start to fall, or not. We only note these four crypos as they stand out as the losers of the day.

Let's take a selection of the cream of the crop.


Bitcoin had a volume of nearly $ 10 billion. If you remember, we were expecting an escape again, although maybe not so soon. The bulls woke up Monday morning with itching. The momentum started late last night, American time.

Between Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV, just over $ 10 billion has changed hands.

Bitcoin Cash won the most in percentage, with Bitcoin SV in second place, as you can see.

The three Bitcoins recorded a brilliant performance, Bitcoin Cash doing its best.

Will Bitcoin test $ 4,000? If so, will BSV break out and test $ 100 again? It's hard to say from here, with $ 150 to pay. People have had a few months of opportunity to buy well below this level, which could cause a frenzy, which could reduce the shyness in bulls. We will see where we are tomorrow.

If the level is maintained for a few days, we can expect it to keep a little more, probably, and repeat or do the opposite. There is an elastic effect on the Bitcoin market. Large declines are often followed by larger increases, and vice versa.


Ethereum stood on Bitcoin's shoulders and reached a little higher.

Ether took Bitcoin's lead and ran a bit higher. He has won more than 10 dollars worldwide.

It is clear that Ether traders want to test $ 150 soon. What is not clear is that there is enough momentum for that. Again, we will have to check tomorrow, or later tonight. The timing of this race indicates that it was probably on Monday morning Asian, Sunday evening in the West.


Litecoin stands out beautifully under Bitcoin, with a slightly higher percentage gain due to its lower value. Its volume has exceeded $ 1.3 billion in the last 24 hours. The daily trading volume of one billion dollars could well remain for Litecoin.

Litecoin followed Bitcoin. We look forward to the day she divorces and presents herself alone. It would be a positive sign.

Litecoin then needs an independent Bitcoin gain.

Binance piece

Binance stumbled uphill, but it seems that there is room to grow. The token is used to obtain a rebate on fees on Binance and has been for 10 weeks cryptocurrency No. 10, without any other realistic goal.

Binance is actually one of the most valuable utility chips in history.

As you can see, we have added the BNB / BTC indicator on the Bitcoin chart to determine the attachment to the NBB's Bitcoin price dynamics.

In fact, it's one of the most valuable utility chips in history. We wonder what will happen in the future if Binance becomes a less popular exchange. Recently, its volume has been used for the first time ever. Binance, however, is ahead of the market in building its own decentralized exchanges and doing its best to stay on the cutting edge.


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