ANTHEM Early Access immediately affected by widespread connection problems


Problem of early access to the hymn

ANTHEM is available for the moment on PC and Xbox One, but only with the EA Quick Access Mumbo Jumbo. Or at least it would be, if it was not already plagued by connection problems. At the moment, the Internet is overflowing with complaints, forcing official EA support accounts on social media to state that they are aware of the problem and that it is difficult for them. they are working on a fix.

This story obviously has little to do with PlayStation yet, but we can not ignore the fact that ANTHEM should be launched next week on PS4. The private demo, which was essentially a beta version in its entirety, was initially a wreck on Sony's system. These recurring connection problems are a bit disturbing before the release of the full version. Let's hope that EA can fix everything quickly enough.

Do you think that ANTHEM will launch without problems? Do not hesitate to laugh in the comments section below.


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