Anthem is inspired by Diablo to solve the loot problem


Anthem is in the process of overhauling the long-awaited booty system, with BioWare carefully listening to player feedback.


There is a good way to make a random booty. Games like Diablo have almost perfected this model by giving them statistics that make sense and correspond to the material to which they are attached. Diablo 2 had prefixes and suffixes that determined the effects of weapons, armor, and jewelry, as well as unique items with statistics with different values ​​(or rollers, as they are called). But the launch of Anthem is a pure example of how to completely destroy the random loot and shows that the game needs more time in the oven.

Anthem has essentially tried to over-randomize statistics, or "inscriptions", applied to weapons and components. Any registration can be applied to any weapon, no matter if it makes no sense. This resulted in Masterwork objects that negated any real beneficial effects, such as flamethrowers that added 0% physical damage for 0 seconds. BioWare is changing things and trying to limit the statistics that can appear on which elements.

In one Reddit postBen Irvo from BioWare recently shared a big list of changes to Anthem's loot system:

This is our plan for the changes to go online on February 28 or March 1 (US Central Time).

  • Registrations are now better for items on which they are placed
  • This applies to new items earned in the anthem (those that do not exist in your vault)

If an inscription applies only to the element on which it is located (gear icon), it will be useful for that element. Otherwise, the registration will provide a considerable advantage for the javelin

For example, an assault rifle will not have an object specific inscription + gun damage. It can have a wide inscription of electric damage combination (cool for a flash construction)

Some additional information below

  • Removing Uncommon (White) and Common (Green) Items from Level 30 Reduction Tables
  • It was a very requested change and we agree, that's all.
  • We have reduced the materials needed to create a masterpiece of 25 to 15 embers
  • As you recover or harvest, you should be able to create more artwork to get the listings you are looking for.
  • Now that the entries are more relevant to their purpose, this should give players better results.

Additional registration change details

Current: There is a large pool of registration options available for articles, registration pools are generic (for example, Weapons).

Each masterpiece has 4 entries – Major Primary, Primary Minor, Secondary Major, Minor Minor

Change: Each element type now has a specific set of registration options for each of their registration groups. The pools are smaller and target the type of specific item

For example. there was a pool of weapons, now there is a pool of assault rifles and the pool of assault rifles has 4 pools for each of the types of registration listed above

  • Primary registrations focus on damage or survivability
  • Any item-specific registration (gear icon) will always benefit from the item on which it is located.
  • Wide javelin inscriptions (costume icon) will benefit damage or survival all over the javelin
  • Secondary registrations are focused on utility and can target the object (gear icon) or the entire javelin (costume icon).

This is one of the fires that BioWare needs to implement for Anthem to remain a viable game. There are many connectivity / loading issues, fragmented story times and the lack of essential RPG elements that go against the online shooter.

Let's just hope that BioWare adds a statistics page at some point so that Anthem feels like a real RPG and not like a weird hybrid action-y built around the live game.


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