Anthem launch sales below expectations, but digital sales broke records


Became the most successful digital game of EA

BioWare booty shooter Anthem may not make waves at retailers, but it's a good digital start. During EA's teleconference for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2019, the company shared this information. Anthem quickly became his most successful digital game. While physical sales are below expectations, Anthem is anything but a flop.

This follows a trend seen by EA with more users turning to digital than physical copies. According to EA, 49% of all console game sales were made digitally during this fiscal year. This statistic has increased the profit margin for digital games for EA, which now accounts for 75% of its business. Anthem is the biggest example of this switch so far.

Blake Jorgensen, CFO / COO, said: "We continue to invest heavily in Anthem, with developers working on quality, content, systems and game mechanics. This is an excellent original intellectual property and we have dubbed the product. The company then reaffirmed its commitment to intellectual property, saying BioWare would continue to support and improve the shooter in the future.

Whether you want to accept it or not, it seems that the video game industry is fast approaching an entirely digital future. Although I do not anticipate a scenario in which physical games are completely eliminated, we will likely see digital versions coming out weeks or months before those that are sold at retail. The fact that EA has achieved such good results for a game that many have written off, only reinforces the idea that digital is the future.

Anthem launch sales did not meet EA's expectations, but its digital performances broke records [VG 24/7]

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