Anthem vs Destiny 2 – The comparison we had to make



Is it 2014 yet? That's certainly what happens, with the game, the press launches a new game that presents you as a hero of the hour, exercising fantastic powers and fighting against impossible chances of saving humanity during their darkest hour. Anthem brings a lot of familiarity when you compare this game to Destiny, and tying the forces of two completely separate game franchises is a frankly lazy, unoriginal and ridiculous task.

Attributes I willingly embody and tattooed in my arms, because if you want to own something, it is better to create a copyright with ink. I do not know where it's going, so get back on track: Destiny vs Anthem. What is the best game? On one side, you have a whole new experience to live on, while on the other, you have a product rich in content to explore that has enrolled in its DNA for several years.

Time for an appropriate confrontation. Use a sharp edge scienceI placed Anthem and Destiny against each other in a crucible of categories that really matter. The things that fans ask. So let's put this show on the road and start with:

Loading screens

Kill me please

Anthem: I've seen civilizations going up and down between the missions of the anthem. I watched the world repeat cycles of agitation and rebirth, saw the tides bring change and saw the stars chart new paths across the cosmos as many galaxies move further away in addition one of the other in the dark and dark void of space itself.

Plus, I've also managed to make me a cup of Dolce Gusto coffee between levels, so yes, Anthem has been waiting for ages to get from point A to point B. At this point, I'm saving Private Ryan Matt Damon just before the end credits.

Destiny 2: As long as my father telling a terrible joke with an equally terrible scoring line, but at least I can admire beautiful panoramas while waiting to land on Mars and see a random Guardian emit a strange emotion. Right there, dancing. For hours.

Winner: Destiny 2



Destiny 2: The destiny of Destiny 2 reads as if it were written by university philosophy professors and media studies who are desperate to validate their degrees. The myths, legends and stories of Destiny 2 form an incomprehensible melting pot of vague foolishness that reads like a FaceBook post from your only friend who must always speak above because they read every issue of Popular Mechanics. And it's not even a well story, now that I think about it.

Anthem: Anthem also has a strange story that marks the limit between vague nonsense and current super science that makes sense, but it has the benefit of giving you the value of an entire novel to read at your way and does not attempt to elevate his narrative as a sort of classic half-truth mixed with the mad ramblings of a hoard high on cocaine and powdered rat.

Winner: Anthem

Course of character

Iron Manthem

Destiny 2: Destiny 2 provides three guards with three subclasses attached to each of them.

Anthem: Anthem provides four Iron Man combinations, four more than three and you can perform a three-point landing. Game, set and check-match.

Winner: Anthem

User interface

Has Ubisoft designed the user interface?

Destiny 2: For a game that gives you ammo, health, shields, two special abilities and a bar for your Extreme Super-duper ultimate Ultimate 5000 ability, the Destiny 2 UI is actually streamlined, sleek and not intrusive.

Anthem: The entire user interface for Anthem resembles the consequences of an episode of explosive diarrhea with a violent graphic design.

Winner: Destiny 2

The villains


Destiny 2: Until now, Destiny 2 has had a literal idea as a villain (swept under the floor), Space-Satan (dead), Space-Bane (dead) and a gigantic an-space with (dead) teeth as main antagonists.

Anthem: From what I've played so far, the villain of Anthem is Iron Man Shredder. Now, even though I have a tattoo of Ol Oroki Saki from Ninja Turtles, based on his deadly appearance in the 2014 TMNT movie, I just want to make sure that I will always be so impartial. than ever for this breakup.

Winner: Anthem because I am a liar.

Number of Fillions Nathan

He is dead Jim

Destiny 2: Currently, zero, because Bungie decided to kill the best character of their franchise. bastards.

Anthem: Certainly zero, although I may have spotted it in a loading screen. Maybe I do not know.

Winner: Saints Row Gat out of hell to cast Fillion as god.

Best use of Glenn

Hey it's Glenn

Destiny 2: Despite Glenn being mah fate boooyeeeeeeee who helped Al and I get our Whisper of the worms sniper rifles, Bungie has yet to honor his valiant service and replace the droid in the tower with him.

Anthem: I'm sure Glenn is on the market.

Winner: Anthem

Most punchable face

I just hit my screen

Destiny 2: Everyone wears a helmet, making the techniques of fist-to-face almost impossible to connect successfully. Although for the moment, I will say Uldren Sov. He knows what he's done.

Anthem: Owen whore. So far, I've stayed six hours in Anthem, and if the tenth hour does not stop with his face so full of thirst that passes over the Moniteur's fist when he finally activates his tragic sacrifice powers for the development of the character in third act, so I will be disappointed.

Winner (a bit because we all lose): Anthem

Ability to create epileptic fits through his fight

My super and my eyes jumped

Destiny 2: Have you ever played in a Mayhem round where the server was filled with Voidwalker Warlocks? That's why you're lathering in your mouth.

Anthem: As in Destiny 2 above, only lost time and my eyes may have exploded after being exposed to pure unicorn sparks and kinematic embers up to eleven.

Winner: Destiny 2

And the big winner is … Warframe!


Yup, like an RKO coming out of nowhere, Digital Extremes and its independent band have appeared to offer devastating blows to Anthem and Destiny, thanks to their mix of deep and deep system designs and community commentary that has combined to form a game. This sounds like the bastard child of both franchises if Terry Gilliam had been the father. Plus, it's free, so we all know who the real winner is.

Last update: February 18, 2019


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