Anti-Trump Republicans discuss organizing a new third party


A veteran GOP strategist who was on a major call last week with dozens of former Republican officials from former GOP administrations to discuss forming a breakaway Conservative party told Fox News the discussion was only the first step.

The rally of more than 120 critics of former President Trump, which was first reported by Reuters, included more than 120 former public servants who served in the Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush and Trump administrations , as well as Republican strategists and GOP nominated ambassadors, multiple sources who attended the meeting confirmed.


“This is just the beginning of the conversation. The point is to discuss and explore all the options, all the possibilities to advance a center-right, effective and principled movement,” a participant asked. in the meeting. remain anonymous to speak more freely, told Fox News.

The participant said that “several ideas” had been launched. Among them were suggestions to present candidates in certain races but endorse center-right candidates in other contests.

“Different people have different perspectives on whether such a movement can effectively grow again within the Republican Party or if this is something that needs to happen outside the party,” said the participant. “I think this time around we are able to have the conversation and try to figure out what the next steps are, to make a plan to move forward.”

The meeting comes amid a fight for the future of the GOP – whether the Republicans will remain a reshaped populist party ruled for four years by Trump, or whether they will return to their conservative roots.

Though politically hurt by the Jan.6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters bent on disrupting Congressional certification of Biden’s White House victory – after encouragement from the president of the time – the latest poll shows Trump remains very popular among Republicans. This influence is reflected in Congress. The vast majority of Republicans in the House voted against Trump’s impeachment, and most Senate Republicans voted to declare the former president’s impeachment trial unconstitutional.

Trump has repeatedly vowed to play an influential role in the GOP going forward, which includes supporting major challenges for Republicans who crossed paths with him and are re-elected next year. Trump is also flirting with a presidential election in 2024 in an attempt to win back the White House.

When asked if the possibility of a separatist Republican Party would only benefit Democrats at the polls, the participant said that “some people are concerned about this and some people see it as the only way forward. He cannot. It’s not about winning the election first. It’s about winning the argument. It’s about developing a movement that is rooted in the principle, the belief that when you do that, people will come to it. “


Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel preaches party unity.

“I firmly believe that as a party we must unite,” said McDaniel, unanimously re-elected in January to another two-year term as head of the party’s national committee, said last month.

McDaniel warned that “if we continue to attack each other and focus on the attacks on our fellow Republicans, if we have disagreements within our party, we lose sight of 2022. The only way to win is to come together and recognize that our policies of tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, rule of law judges are policies the American people want to hear about. They don’t want to hear about infighting. within the GOP. “

Jason Miller, one of Trump’s top advisers, told Reuters when asked about the meeting that “these losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.”


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