Anticipation for Mueller's testimony


Democrats' expectation of public testimony of a special council Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation over Russia MORE is built by the minute.

Mueller 's request to testify before Congress reached a new level of urgency this week, after the internal correspondence was revealed to show that Mueller had opposed the Attorney General. William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrHarris calls on Trump to pressure Barr to open investigations. Law Societies of DC and Virginia are invited to investigate Camerota de Barr on CNN and its impact on Mueller: "Discouraging people who believe in justice"Findings from his investigation at the end of March.

The revelations prompted the Democrats to magnify their mistrust of the Mueller report's statements on obstruction of justice, while fueling the appetite for the testimony of the special advocate who is expected to stand in the House at the same time. end of the month.

Leader of the parliamentary majority Steny HoyerSteny Hamilton HoyerTraining lawmakers urge Congress to consider salary increases Hoyer suggests that Barr be lied to Congress and wants explanations "Medicare for all" benefits from support at the first Congressional hearing PLUS (D-Md.) Emphasized that the testimony was vital, given Mueller's obvious frustrations with Barr's summary assessment of the 448-page report.

"I hope he wants to testify in order to be able, from his point of view, to speak to the American people and the representatives of the American people from his point of view," Hoyer told reporters this week. "Clearly, this letter indicates that they are not represented by Attorney General Barr."

"It's a two-year effort, a little less than that, [and a] major investment, "added Hoyer. And I think the American people are entitled to hear his views as to what he found and the interpretation he gave. "

Other Democrats have suggested that Barr's testimony could not be relied on alone.

"Mueller has to testify," said the representative. Ro KhannaRohit (Ro) KhannaOvernight Energy – Presented by Job Creators Network – House to vote against Trump's departure from Paris agreement | Trump cancels Obama's safety rules | Dems grill An Interior Attorney alongside a candidate who would investigate him Dems is taking to the vote of President Barr to prevent Trump from coming out of the climate deal of Paris PLUS (D-Calif.). "I think it will be decisive – no one in this country, no one in this body, has as much credibility as Bob Mueller, who is the person who was cautious. 39, humility.I think the American people will hear it and make a decision. "

Democrats ask Mueller to testify on May 15, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerrold NadlerJerrold (Jerry) Lewis NadlerCNN, Fox, Nadler split screens and empty chair for Barr Any infrastructure program will be swallowed by the swamp Dem's lawmaker says Barr will be summoned to appear if he does not show up House PLUS audience (D-N.Y.) Told reporters this week, although no official agreement was reached Friday.

The committee reportedly made direct contact with Mueller on a date for his testimony; a spokesperson for the committee did not respond to a request for additional information on these negotiations.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special council, said in an email Friday at The Hill that he had "no information to provide at this time" about the negotiations surrounding Mueller's potential testimony.

The appearance of Mueller in a public setting on Capitol Hill would be simply historic. Lawmakers and voters would have the opportunity to hear the man who oversaw one of the most politically charged investigations while he was constantly being attacked by President TrumpDonald John TrumpNorth Korea fires projectiles at short range. Kim Kardashian helps release criminals convicted of drug-related offenses, says South-Souther Kim Kardashian: "We are killing the economy" CONTINUED.

In the end, Mueller did not establish that Trump's campaigners had plotted with Russia to interfere in the 2016 elections, and he did not reach a conclusion as to whether Trump obstructed justice.

The Democrats would no doubt question Mueller about his interactions with Barr, particularly during the four-week period between the end of his 22-month investigation and the publication of the report by Barr on April 18. They are also likely to seek his frank opinion on Barr's 24 March Congressional Note setting out the final conclusions of the report.

"At this stage, I think that the special council must speak to us directly about its report and its conclusions," said the representative. Pramila JayapalPramila JayapalOcasio-Cortez joins in the calls for Barr's resignation. Dems puts internal conflicts aside to advance spending bills. Medicare for all is stimulated by the first congressional audience PLUS (D-Wash.) Told reporters Thursday. "Clearly, he felt sufficiently troubled by what Attorney General Barr did and said that he had written not one but two letters to the Attorney General."

On March 25, Mueller's team contacted the Department of Justice to share their concerns. Two days later, the special advocate wrote to Barr saying that the memo sent to Congress "did not fully reflect the context, nature and content" of the findings of the investigation and confusion " on the results.

Barr said Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had spoken to Mueller about the letter of March 27. The Attorney General then called the correspondence "snitty" and said it was "probably written by one of the [Mueller’s] staff people. "

"I asked him if he was suggesting that the March 24 letter was inaccurate, and he said no, but that the information in the press was inaccurate," Barr said.

Mueller's letter did not mention press coverage, noting the likelihood that Democrats would question the special council about Barr's description of this conversation.

The lawmakers would almost certainly press Mueller to explain why he had not made a decision on whether Trump was obstructing justice, which left a lot of perplexity in Washington, including Barr.

Democrats can also turn to Mueller for more information on his investigation and report. About 10% of this information was written to hide information about ongoing investigations, grand jury information, national security information, and information that affects third parties.

Nadler summoned the full report and the underlying evidence. The Ministry of Justice refused to comply, calling the assignment "unauthorized surveillance" and the demands "too heavy and extremely burdensome".

Instead, Barr has allowed some members of Congress, including Nadler, to view a less redacted version in a secure room, as long as they agree to keep the contents of the report confidential.

The potential testimony of Mueller seems less likely in the Senate, although the chairman of the judicial commission Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamTrump complains of worsening social media for conservatives Senate Confirms 100th Trump Defense Judge Candidate by Night: Trump Security Officials Discuss Venezuela Options | Trump contradicts advisers on Russia's role in the crisis | The administration renews the derogations concerning the nuclear work in Iran (R-S.C.) Wrote to Mueller on Friday to offer him the opportunity to testify before the committee about any false statement from Barr about their phone call.

Graham had otherwise shut the door on hearing Mueller.

"I will not do anything, it's enough, it's over," Graham told reporters after Barr's testimony on Wednesday.

Trump, when asked on Friday if Mueller was to testify, was referred to the Attorney General.

"I do not know," he told reporters in the Oval Office. "It's our Attorney General, who I think has done a fantastic job."

Barr stated that he would not oppose Mueller testifying.

"I have no objection to what Bob Mueller personally testifies," he told reporters at a press conference held shortly before the publication of the council's special report the month latest.

In his testimony to the Senate on Wednesday, Barr reiterated this point, adding that the White House had no influence over his decision to allow Mueller to testify or not.

White House press secretary Steven Groves said Friday he was unaware of any discussion in the West Wing about a possible Mueller testimony and that he had "heard no one to oppose this testimony ".

He suggested that the White House Council discuss the issue with Trump, who made it clear that he had no intention of cooperating with the House Democrats' scrutiny and investigations.

Groves added that it was "premature" to debate the issue as no date had been set for an audience at Mueller.

"There are a few questions I would like to ask him," Groves said. "I mean, he was instructed to prosecute or refuse to prosecute, and instead, the American people received for his $ 30 million 200 pages on one side and the other.

"The question is: does he want to go to Congress to explain his findings and his decision-making?", He added.

Mike Lillis contributed.


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