"ANTM" Star J Alexander Strikes With Burberry's Hood


& # 39; ANTM & # 39; star J Alexander

Get rope for Burberry !!!

Noose Hoodie is too

19/02/2019 15:57 PST


J Alexander Burberry explodes for presenting a hoodie with a noose around his neck … saying that it was the people who gave him the green light that must be hanged!

We had Tuesday the famous coach "American's Next Top Model" at LAX, and he did not hesitate to criticize Burberry's design of London Fashion Week.

As you may know … Burberry is excused after receiving tons of negative feedback for introducing the noose hoodie, calling it error and insensitive. Even the mannequin who was forced to wear the hoodie expresses himself by saying that "suicide is not a fad".

But, on the heels of the racist blunders of Gucci and PradaMiss J did not do it!

You must see his call for Burberry to be brought to the justice of fashion. Basically, he thinks the brand deserves a taste of his own medicine – but he says in his own very colorful way.

Just look.


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