Antonio Brown advises NFL players unsatisfied with current teams


The NFL is a sport stuck in its habits.

If a star player is not satisfied with his team or his contract, he can not usually get out of this situation. The team usually wins.

But Antonio Brown broke the mold. He wanted to leave Pittsburgh, and not only did he negotiate with the Raiders, but he also signed a new deal with more money.

Has he started a trend? Will other stars force their way out of the wrong situations?

"I do not think the NFL is changing" Brown told Magazine Magazine on Friday. "I do not feel better, what I could do was unprecedented, it probably will never be done again, so that I can have the same contract, and not even add a year, just add more money, I do not think it has ever been done. "

But Brown hopes the other players will try to shoot what he did.

"I'm just grateful that I and my team, Drew Rosenhaus, the great people I have in my corner, have been able to do something special that will probably never be done again," Brown said. "I think that has really inspired players to take charge of their situation, to better manage the business, to grow the business and make the right decisions based on your situation, so you can be in the leading position. "

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Brown was asked to give advice to any player likely to follow his path, and the wide receiver of the Raiders gave advice as accurately as possible with Antonio Brown.

"Just look at AB, study it, that's all," Brown said. "If you need help, call the AB84 team, we have the best team in the league, we make the best deals, we do the best marketing, contact us if you want your business to succeed."

Never change, AB. Never changes.


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