Antonio Brown loses his helmet sponsorship deal with maker Xenith


ALAMEDA – Gareon Conley was tied to a stretcher Monday, his helmet still closed and his face mask removed. He was loaded onto a cart and, even though he raised his thumb before leaving the Oakland Coliseum playground, there were real concerns for his safety.

The Raiders cornerback was shot in the knee and thigh of Johnathan Abram in Monday night's win against Denver, seeming to wring his neck. Conley has long been on the ground, fearing a serious injury.

"It was scary," Conley said Friday. "I did not want to get up early, but I knew I was good once some time passed. After a while, my neck was not really hurting anymore. "

This did not stop coaches from exercising extreme caution. Conley wanted to leave the field, but it was not an option. The odds were not taken based on what Conley was feeling.

"It was a precaution," Conley said. "I had to follow the protocol."

Conley knew quickly that he would be fine but understood that those around him did not. It was a scary scene from a distance and it must have been hard for loved ones watching from the seats or on television.

"It's scary for my family," Conley told reporters. "I do not want my family to think it's anything more than what it is … But I also understand the (coaches) side. It was just a precaution, so I just followed the instructions.

Conley's neck was then examined at a hospital in the area and, after the doctors had examined the imagery, he was allowed to return to the Oakland Coliseum and return home.

Head Coach Jon Gruden received a good news Monday night, namely that Conley would be fine.

Conley was normal again in no time. He has played limited practice all week and it is formally debatable to play Sunday against Kansas City, but Conley fully expects to play against the Chiefs.

"I think it looks good," said Gruden. "Fortunately, I am very happy to be able to say that he is okay to start, but he's a tough guy and he's had a good week of training."

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His friends and teammates were as worried as others at the beginning and are thrilled to see him back in action right away.

"When you see a guy in a withdrawal situation, you pray and hope that everything is fine," said cornerback Daryl Worley. "It's a blessing for him to be able to get out and get on the pitch this week."


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