AOC calls Nebraska governor ‘racist’ for saying undocumented meat factory workers will not receive vaccine


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., dubbed Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts “racist” after saying undocumented workers at meat packing plants would not be included in her vaccine distribution plan. state.

“Imagine being so racist that you go out of your way to make sure that the people who prepare * your * food are not vaccinated,” the leader of the “Squad” wrote on Twitter in response to a clip from the conference. Ricketts Press Release.

“Illegal immigrants are not allowed to work in these establishments, so I don’t think that will be a problem,” Ricketts said Monday.


“Again, you’re supposed to be a legal resident of the country to be able to work in these factories, so I don’t expect illegal immigrants to be part of the vaccine with this program,” the Republican managing director said for two terms. state added.

Meat packaging workers are expected to receive the vaccine during phase 1B, along with utility workers, educators, and others.

The state is still in phase 1A, with more than 36,000 doses administered to frontline workers. Phase 1B is expected to begin later in January.

According to the Migration Policy Institute, at least 14% of meat packers in Nebraska are undocumented.

Nebraska has faced 5,200 cases and 22 deaths from 23 separate outbreaks related to meat processing facilities.


Some administration officials suggested last month that states record the personal information of people vaccinated with COVID-19, including names, dates of birth, ethnicities and addresses, but states were reluctant to the idea, with some saying it would discourage illegal immigrants from getting vaccinated.


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