AOC hits Joe Manchin with cold death stare after moderate Dem opposes ‘mad socialist agenda’


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y. fired a warning shot at Sen. Joe Manchin, DW.V., as the moderate West Virginia Democrat continued to promise he would block any “mad socialist agenda” on Capitol Hill.

The stakes are high as the balance of power appears to be hanging over the results of two Georgia runoff elections in January that will determine whether Republicans retain control of the Senate or whether Democrats capture the chamber by a margin of 50 -50 with Vice President- elect Kamala Harris as the deciding vote.

On Monday, Manchin made headlines on “Special Report” when he told Fox News presenter Bret Baier that he would “pledge” to vote against ending the filibuster and filing the Supreme Court.


“This system, the Senate, this body so unique in the world. It was designed to work together in a bipartisan way,” Manchin explained. “And once you start breaking down those barriers, you lose all reason that we are the institution that we are, the most deliberate body. So I want to allay those fears that it won’t happen because I won’t be the 50th Democrat voting to end this obstruction or to stack the court. “

Manchin reiterated his post on Twitter, attacking progressive ideas, including the “defund the police” movement.

“Defund the police? Defund, my ass,” the senator wrote Wednesday night. “I am a proud Democrat from West Virginia. We are the party of workers. We want to protect Americans’ jobs and health care. We don’t have a crazy socialist agenda, and we don’t believe in cutting funding for the police.

It did not please Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, who hit back at Manchin with a photo of President Trump’s State of the Union speech where the MP is seen staring at death in Manchin as he offered a standing ovation during the President’s speech.

There has been increasing pressure from the progressive left on the Biden-Harris transition team over their appointments and to continue an aggressive agenda.


Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez asked more than 10 million subscribers who they would choose from Biden’s “dream cabinet”.

Some names that have been floated in the responses include Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., As Secretary of the Treasury; Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., As Secretary of Labor; Keith Ellison or Sally Yates as attorney general; Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Il., As VA Secretary; and Julián Castro to return to his Obama-era post as secretary of the HUD. Andrew Yang was also a favorite.


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