AOC is taking a break for college in Boston


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took a break from bashing President Trump and the capitalist system to support an old college pal outside Boston.

The liberal darling trekked to a church in Brookline, Mass., To a candidate for local government.

"Changing this country is not just about running for Congress," Ocasio-Cortez was quoted as saying on "It's about running for select board. It's about being on the PTA. It's about running for city council and it's about being socially engaged in ways we have not had a country in a long time. "

She was also elected to the board, Raul Fernandez, who's running for Brookline Select Board. She asked for help in the early days of her training. Rep. Joe Crowley.

Last weekend, Ocasio-Cortez came under fire for a 5K Queens in which participants did not know their $ 30 registration fees were going directly into the lawmaker's campaign coffers.


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