AOC trails Marco Rubio on PPP loans and COVID relief


  • Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about the high PPP loan from Project Veritas and inequalities in government assistance during the pandemic, calling it “republicanism in a nutshell.”
  • Senator Marco Rubio told Ocasio-Cortez to “work more, tweet less”.
  • Ocasio-Cortez responded with a list of district and federal initiatives she’s been involved with this week and asked Rubio, “What have you done?”
  • Visit the Business Insider homepage for more stories.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and GOP Senator Marco Rubio avoided him on Twitter Thursday.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about new data released by the Small Business Administration on Paycheck Protection Program loans over $ 150,000 that the government has given to businesses as part of COVID-19 relief.

In her original tweet, she tweeted NBC News reporter Olivia Solon, who highlighted that Project Veritas, the right-wing disinformation organization, had received $ 558,900.

The data came out after a months-long legal battle that forced the Trump administration to release information on organizations that received PPP loans over $ 150,000. NBC News also reported that Trump and Kushner real estate properties have received more than 25 PPP loans worth more than $ 3.65 million.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Black-owned small businesses have been largely barred from accessing PPP loans, but the right-wing disinfo org PV has taken half a million of public money while calling direct federal aid” socialism radical “”, adding: “Republicanism in a nutshell.”

Senator Marco Rubio responded and tweeted Ocasio-Cortez, saying, “Working together R & D has saved the jobs of 55 million Americans through P3s. Work more, tweet less, and one day you too can make a difference.

This tweet may have referred to the fact that Ocasio-Cortez voted ‘no’ on the initial CARES Act stimulus bill in March, claiming at the time that it was structured to help those who had it. need. Congress has not been able to agree on a further stimulus bill, although the specific aid and funds have since expired. A new compromise $ 908 billion stimulus bill is gaining traction with leaders in Congress – the bill lacks additional stimulus checks for Americans.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez hit back, saying“Yesterday I recruited 5,000 volunteers to train and mentor children in my community who are struggling with distance learning, and that was after investigating why the Secretary of the Treasury had stopped funding for the CARES Act and voted on House legislation. What have you done?

Ocasio-Cortez mentioned his homework help campaign to recruit volunteers to his district, as well as yesterday’s hearing with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, in which representatives asked him about his plan to end federal loan programs made possible by the passage of the CARES Act in March, at the start of the pandemic.

After Rubio did not post any immediate replies, Ocasio-Cortez tweetedWhat these conservative senators don’t seem to understand is that I actually had a physically tough job in the working class without good health care for most of my adult life. on leather chairs all day. “

A few minutes later, Ocasio-Cortez dug Deeper in her conservative reviews, “Republicans like to poke fun at the fact that I was a waitress, but we all know if they had to do a double, they’d be the ones crying in the Italian-style fridge halfway through theirs. first shift because someone yelled at them for bringing seltzer when they wanted bubbly. “

Senator Marco Rubio’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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