Apex Legends Bans Up To 770,000 People While Respawn Continues To Fight Cheats


Last week, Respawn Entertainment announced the continuation of its Apex Legends cheats treatment plans but did not specify what these plans were. While the California-based studio still does not share details, to avoid helping cheaters CheatRespawn is finally ready to talk a little about what's going on behind the scenes. This includes bans given to a quarter of a million players.

Respawn's executive producer, Drew McCoy, has written another article on what happens to cheats in EA's Royal Battle. "We can not share the details of what we do in order not to give cheat makers a head," writes McCoy. "But what we can say is that we are tackling this problem from every angle: improving cheater detection, building resources and tools, improving processes and other sneaky things to fight against vendors and vendors. cheaters. "

According to McCoy, Respawn shared "some high-level statistics" on the progress made so far. You can read the complete statistics below.

  • The newly added in-game reporting tool has had a significant impact on the discovery of new tricks, including hints then undetectable that are now automatically detected via EAC.
  • Total bans are now at 770K players
  • We blocked more than 300,000 account creations.
  • We have banned more than 4,000 cheat vendor accounts (spammers) in the past 20 days.
  • The total number of PC games impacted by cheats or spammers has been reduced by more than half in the past month due to recent efforts.

"It's a constant war with the cheat makers to keep us fighting," McCoy said. "We take Cheats in Apex Legends incredibly seriously and have a lot of resources to treat it from different angles." McCoy did not say when Respawn would expose his cheating plan, but he confirmed that he would be back next week with an update on another issue discussed in last week's post ".

In addition, Respawn has confirmed that all Titanfall projects have been showcased so that the company can focus on Apex Legends and Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order. Focusing on Apex Legends, Respawn said the season 2 game plans would be featured at this year's EA Play event, just before E3 in June. Some of the suggested changes for Apex Legends season 2 involve new characters, items, weapons, and map changes.


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