Apex Legends designer hints at Legacy’s next recipient


Apex Legends

Apex Legends chief designer Daniel Klein has hinted at which character will receive a legacy next.

Apex Legends chief designer Daniel Klein has hinted at which character will receive a legacy next. / Photo courtesy of Respawn Entertainment / EA

Apex Legends chief game designer Daniel Klein tweeted a slanted hint about the legend who would receive the next Legacy on Monday.

Klein was discussing how upgrades and new cosmetic versions of new characters can sometimes happen simultaneously, but how the two rarely interact when he said the overlap will recur in Apex Legends in the near future.

Buffs and cosmetics are “parallel workflows that don’t touch each other,” Klein wrote. He described polishing a character upon receiving a new cosmetic to promote sales as “really ghoulish shit.”

“We didn’t do it at Riot, and we don’t do it at Respawn,” he said. “Some models of monetization, a lot of the ones you find in predatory-designed games, only care about the short term. But if you care about long-term trust, you don’t.”


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