Apex Legends developer responds to complaints that Mirage is "useless"


Many Apex Legends players hoped that Respawn Entertainment would bring improvements to Mirage, especially its ultimate, but were disappointed when the v1.1.1 update was released. Now a developer has revealed why it has not been improved.

Respawn was eager to balance the captions of the latest patch by making changes to Caustic and Gibraltar, an assault tank-like tank. This update has been added to a fortified benefit that allows them to take 10% less damage than other legends.

Apex players were excited to see a number of weapon changes and bug fixes added, but they pointed out that Mirage may have been forgotten in the update, thanks to its ability to deploy a team of lures to distract the enemy, considered extremely malnourished.


Apex Legends players believe that the ultimate ability of Mirage is lacking compared to other legends.

Why was Mirage not stamped?

An Apex Legends developer responded to Mirage's calls for improvement on Reddit, and explained why the development team felt the legend worked well in its current state.

They revealed that the victory rate for players using Mirage remained high compared to Caustic and Gibraltar, which explains why the legends of "thicc-boi" were improved and confirmed that there would be no changes expected in the near future.

Respawn explains that Mirage's winning rate is still quite high – despite his disappointing last.

How could Mirage be improved?

Although the developer has confirmed that no change would be imminent, everything could change if the data reveals a low rate of gain before the new update.

Reddit users have suggested ways to improve the legend, including a massive overhaul of its ultimate ability that would allow lures to randomly select one of a set of patterns, such as crouching in the field of view or darkening the opponent to smother the enemy. .

Nevertheless, it seems that Respawn Entertainment does not take into account their reactions for the moment. It seems that if the Mirage players want him to receive a buff, they will have to start losing more.


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