Apex Legends fled a year ago, but no one noticed



Hiticonic finally receives its positive votes.

By Adam Bankhurst

Apex Legends, especially its map, was leaked last year … but nobody noticed it.

As reported by PC Gamer, a Reddit user called hiticonic posted a thread titled "Lying Mini-Card for the Titanfall Battle Royale Rumored Game" 11 months ago. others call the card a fake.

In fact, it was the Apex Legends map of Titanfall developers, Respawn Entertainment, although slightly modified.

Yesterday, the user of Reddit, Fubbles22, evoked the leak that was virtually ignored for nearly a year and the user 's thread is now sitting at 57.5k and over 1, 6k comments.

Hiticonic appeared in the wire and jokingly said, "I'm going to take my positive votes now: P," and asked everyone to stop giving it gold because it does not make any sense. did not need it! He has currently received Reddit Gold 16 times.

Some users of the new thread have called this conspiracy a conspiracy and the fact that Respawn Entertainment has revealed it themselves.

In response, Respawn community leader Jayfresh_Respawn commented and said that he remembered this message and was relieved to see people get rid of it and [Jayfresh] thought, "Well, he will be able to say that I was right when next year comes." "

Apex Legends has conquered the world since its surprise launch last month. In our review, we said that "it's a royal battle to the brigade well done, complemented by nice heroes, a superb communication system and a clever mechanics".

In its first week alone, more than 25 million players tested the last candidate in the Kingdom of the Royal Battle.

To learn more about Apex Legends, be sure to check out our list of all game legends and read our thoughts on what we think Apex Legends should do to stay on top.

Adam Bankhurst is an IGN journalist who is happy that hiticonic finally gets his positive votes. You can follow him on Twitter @ AdamBankhurst.


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