Apex Legends Lifeline Guide & Tips: Be the best fighting doctor


Most parts of Apex Legends are similar to the ones players are used to in other Royal Battle games, with one exception: Legends, Apex's playable character group. Each legend has its own set of special abilities that help determine their roles in a team. Some excel at attacking enemies, others better protect their teammates and others are more useful in supporting roles. Knowing how your character can best complement your team is essential to becoming champions in Apex Legends.

When it comes to Lifeline, the battle nurse of Apex Legends, it's about playing smart and helping your teammates. Lifeline has some of the best support capabilities in the game, but does not have any offensive options. It's great to be part of a team, but if you play with them, you'll have to use your abilities intelligently to the fullest.

Keep reading to get all the information you need about Lifeline's capabilities, including their strengths and weaknesses, as well as tips on how to use it effectively and to help your team at the same time. victory. We also have a lot more guides, including things that Apex Legends does not tell you, a list of myths we've tested about how the game works, and a complete summary of the best weapons in the game. You can also check out our Apex article. Legends while you're there.

Other character guides


Lifeline is the only doctor of the current generation of Apex Legends characters and, as such, you will see her join many teams. His healing abilities can be indispensable in times of crisis, which makes revitalization of his fallen teammates a little easier and allows them to regain strength in combat. Her support skills mean that she gives up some offensive forces, although, unlike other characters, she has no good way to attack other players.

Playing Lifeline is about working with your team and staying together. It is better to stay close to other players, but away from the front lines, to reduce the risk of rollover. So, if other players need help, she can help them. She also lacks abilities that could help her escape in an emergency – she has nothing to do with grappling hooks, smoke and shields that other characters can use. When playing Lifeline, you must be smart and protect yourself to protect your teammates.

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The capacities

Passive: Combat Medic

Lifeline's most useful ability is the shield she plans in front of her to revive her teammates. While the other players are caught in the fire when they come back to life and can be easily killed, Lifeline's shield saves her some damage. It can mean the difference between losing an entire team and bringing everyone back to the fight. Lifeline also cares and can revive her teammates faster than other characters.

Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone

You can prevent your teammates and yourself from spending their health items with your healing drone. Lifeline can drop the drone anywhere, and anyone who stands near him will be reinstated, even if his health is limited. It is shared between all the players nearby. You should also note that no matter who, including the opponents, can use a healing done, so be sure to pay attention to where you invoke it.

Ultimate: care package

Lifeline's ultimate ability allows her to call her own tow truck wherever she wants. It's not quite as good as the supply drops that automatically appear on the map from time to time, but it's still pretty solid – Lifeline's care packages include defensive items, so you can get a sweet armor and healing items, and even attachments of high level weapons.

Tips for playing

Lifeline's healing abilities are excellent for supporting your team, but they make her vulnerable to enemy attacks and mean that she has no ability to use against her opponents or get out of trouble. . Therefore, when playing as a Lifeline, you should try to avoid as much as possible to fight and to be safe from danger in order to be ready to help your teammates when They need you.

If you want to relive, you will be at the heart of the action, so you better be ready to defend yourself. Choose very versatile weapons, such as Longbow DMR or G7 Scout, as well as shotguns or machine guns for close encounters. Do not forget that if your job is to revive and heal people, being killed while you do it is a great way to lose games. shoot first, revive the second.

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Whether you play as a Lifeline or have one on your team, keep an eye on Ultimate Accelerants. Lifeline has one of the longest ultimate cooldown timers, and the faster you can get healing packages, the faster you'll be able to recover high level defensive loot. It's also worth trying to bundle several Lifeline care packages into one game to help everyone else.

If you are equipped and still have an ultimate care package, try using it to distract or confuse your enemies. You can, for example, drop a package in one direction and run in the other, or call one and use it to attract another team for an ambush. We've also seen healing packs kill enemy players by hitting them, and you use them to clutter restricted areas or to shelter you – so be creative.

The fast healing of Lifeline means that you must try to stay as healthy as possible. If you manage to heal without leaving your teammates during a fight, do it; your chances of winning a fight are always greater if your health pool is higher. Do not forget that in combat, helping your team keep shooting is usually better than going back. Winning or losing a numerical advantage usually determines which team wins a battle.

Let go of the health drones in the cover position so that your teammates can retreat to it. Be careful where you leave them, because everyone can use them, including their opponents.

How to counter Lifeline's weaknesses

Lifeline is an excellent support character, but her lack of offensive abilities means that all you really have in a fight is your weapon and your intelligence. You do not have anything that can help you escape bad situations or save you at once. This means that you want to pay attention to the fights in which you engage. Lifeline is best when it has enough coverage to protect itself and even heal, as well as clear evacuation routes for difficult times. If you fight with Lifeline, give yourself the best chance of survival.

You will also have to be careful not to commit yourself to revive the other players. It's not because you can use your shield to block incoming shots that you have to opt for these dubious microphones under fire. It's easy for other characters to fill the gap and get around or loop your shield to complete you. So try to avoid regaining strength if you do not have fire to prevent a teammate from helping him.

Lifeline is particularly vulnerable to things like sniping and air strikes due to her lack of emergency capabilities. Do your best to keep your head down – you are a prime target for any team that would try to paralyze your team during a fight. Conversely, if you fight another team, their line of life may be an easier target than other characters for the same reasons. Getting out early from Lifeline can make it more difficult for a team to recover amidst its fights.


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