Apex Legends may be teasing Octane with a new item at stake



Prepare to jump.

By Miranda Sanchez

A small gray and green jump mat appeared in Apex Legends' Kings Canyon, and from a simple response from a Respawn developer, it seems like this item is a tease for the new legend to come up.

Jetblacklab, the Reddit user, spotted this mysterious object just outside Market. While climbing on the platform, the player is projected in the air. You can see this element in action in the video below:

The colors of the jump pad match those of the supposed next Apex Legends character, Octane. An image of the character was found earlier this week on EA Origin's servers. Although Respawn warned players to be wary of the truth behind the dated information, they did not directly discredit the possibility that the next legend could be Octane. Instead, a Respawn developer responded to the jetblacklab thread with a sneering emoji, which leads us to believe that this new element might well be Octane's ultimate ability or at least be related to Octane's. 39 one way or another.


Respawn said that further information on the new Apex Legends character and the Season 1 Battle Pass would arrive "very soon". To learn more about Apex Legends, check out the Kings Canyon interactive map and the Apex Legends Community Level Lists.

Miranda Sanchez is editor-in-chief at IGN. She runs Pathfinder and Bloodhound. You can chat with her about video games and cartoons on Twitter.


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