Apex Legends patch 1.1.1 softens a bit the beefy


The beefy players of Apex Legends should be a little less exposed to death, thanks to the patch of version 1.1.1 today. Despite their imposing, tall and imposing tank-like appearance, Gibraltar and Caustic were easy targets in the popular Royal Battle Shooter because of their larger frames and button boxes. Previously, they shared this vulnerability with the Pathfinder, with more robotic appearance, but Respawn developers have reduced it for easier bullet evacuation.

Today's patch addresses the fragility of fleshy men by giving them a little more beef through a new passive – Fortified – advantage by giving them a 10% reduction on all forms of death, as well as additional bonuses to their usual character abilities. You can see the full patch notes here on Reddit or Abbreviated below.

In addition to the extra armor, the Gibraltar Cannon Shield has been upgraded from 50 to 75 HP. Caustic's gas is now a lot more deadly too, dealing with 4 hp per tick instead of just one. He also works and can launch his ultimate 33-meter bomb over the first 28 ruffles. Many weapons have been rebalanced in this update, with a focus on improving sniper combat. Damage caused by sniper weapons suffer less damage when you shoot someone in robot leggings (or robot's legs), and your sight should move less when you try to shoot. on someone else than on the legs.

Gibraltar: now a real tank.

They also gave major improvements to Longbow DMR and Havoc. The first receives a boost and more ammo, and the last is upgraded in all possible ways, including doubling its range before the damage is reduced. It's not all buffs, though. The Wingman and Spitfire are now carrying less ammo and the Spitfire bullets are a little less painful than before. They also made changes to the attachments of the Gold weapons. Gold Havoc now has a turbocharger and Havoc and Gold R301 have 1-2x variable holo sites. The Wingman Gold also gets a digital threat indicator.

Finally, when they change, the speed of the Jump Ship has been increased by 50%, which means that players who do not jump ahead on their flight path are not at a disadvantage during the initial jamming. Accompanying this patch and officially "in the honor of thicc-boi enthusiasts", they are organizing a Battle Pass XP bonus event until 10 am on April 18th. If your team ranks in the top five, you instantly get a complete level of Battle Pass. This bonus is available once a day.

Respawn recognizes that all known issues are not resolved by this update. They have people working on audio issues, recording hits and "slow servers", which should be smoothed soon. In the meantime, rest assured in the embrace of Gibraltar and Caustic, who absorbs bullets. And ask them to stand in front of you in an exchange of gunfire, unless the enemy has a Mozambique.

Apex Legends is free. Take it here on Origin.


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