Apex Legends patch notes for April 20: devotional nerf, bulwark fixes, more


Respawn is offering a new update for Apex Legends that will fix a few bugs with Rampart while also boosting devotion after its transition to be available as ground loot.

Apex Legends Season 6 is full of new content that generally satisfies its player base. A new weapon, a new legend, and major additions to World’s Edge have all kept people busy.

Unfortunately, not everything went without a hitch. Streamers, pro gamers, and others have raised concerns about the now-default Evo Shields on the map as well as the overall Season 6 weapon meta.

The devs are listening to the community and handing out the fixes as they see fit, and this time around, that should go a long way towards resolving the first issues of the season.

Development of the ramparts

Season 6 started off with a bang, as the Apex community embraced the new legend, Rampart very well. However, the playerbase noticed that her skill kit included a few bugs that made her difficult to play, most of which have now been fixed.

These included issues like his Amped Cover walls causing people to log out of the game in some cases, and even his “Boom” finish line played on the other side of the map.

Due to the popularity of the New Legend, these issues are common in many games, so the developers make sure to fix them as quickly as possible.

Respawn Entertainment

Rampart was met with a ton of fanfare, but it came packed with a few bugs.

LMG devotional nerve

The shift from devotion from exclusive supply status to now available as ground loot had wreaked havoc on opponents with the light machine gun.

Respawn aims to fix this immediately by giving the weapon more recoil while reducing its damage slightly. These changes aren’t supposed to kill the viability of the LMG, but it will make the weapon more reasonable to handle now that it’s widely available.

The studio said there may be more patches for devotion down the line as they monitor his performance across the arena.

Respawn Entertainment

The Devotion LMG gets a slight nerf after becoming ground loot.

Take a look at the full patch notes for the Apex Legends August 20 update below, courtesy of Respawn Entertainment.

Apex Legends patch notes for August 20

Address the following points:

  • Rampart Amped Wall client error in gore locale softened
  • Fixed a server error causing immediate disconnections when Rampart lays a wall
  • Fixed an error caused in some cases where a player is on the Rampart turret when it is destroyed
  • Issue around the specific skin of Bloodhound that gets a stretched neck when using the Rampart Turret. We are still working on this issue for the Guardian Angel skin of Lifeline.
  • Rampart’s “Boom” finish line after crossing the map
  • R-99 destruction statistics tracking is not displayed correctly

Additionally, we’ll be releasing a playlist update later today to do the following:

  • Reduces devotion damage [17 -> 16] , and increase hindsight – these are quick changes we can make now, more devotional adjustments that will take longer to make will come later.
  • Reduce the number of devotions and turbochargers generated
  • Reduced the number of Golden Helmets, Golden Backpacks, and Golden Disability Shields

We are always looking for adjustments and changes to come in the coming weeks.


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