Apex Legends pro Dizzy encounters a flying error and still wins the match | Dexerto.com


A breathtaking problem allows Apex Legends players to fly over the map indefinitely and a professional player has fallen on it in streaming.

Lucas & # 39; Mendokusaii & # 39; HÃ¥kansson, former pro Overwatch (and current record holder of the Apex murder record), discovered the problem. By pressing a button at a given moment, players can get up in the sky instead of landing.

Players can apparently trigger the glitch at will, making it a feat to avoid.

Read More: Apex Legends: Complete Guide for Legends Characters and Their Capabilities

Dizzy discovered the problem and manipulated it a bit before realizing how much he could be overpowered.

"Ok, it's so broken," Dizzy said after landing. "It's not fair … I'm not going to do that."

"The people who make [the glitch] probably banned, "warned Dizzy. It's safe to say that he will no longer fly around unlimited and Respawn is most likely repairing it.

But if you have a Kraber lens and professional like Dizzy, you do not need the flying virus anyway.


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