Apex Legends: Release Notes, Release Notes, Guides, Tips, Gameplay and What You Need to Know


Apex Legends announces itself as one of the greatest royal battle games. He came out early last week and has already amassed everything that follows. Of course, if you have not played the game yet, you are probably curious to know what's the hullabaloo. Fortunately for you, we have detailed below all the essential information you need to know, including our comprehensive review, the game's microtransactions, guides and more.

What are your thoughts on Apex Legends? Do you think it has what it takes to compete with Fortnite? Let us know in the comments below. Otherwise, check back often as we update this feature with even more features and guides.

What is Apex Legends?

Apex Legends is a royal battle game that focuses more on team work than its competitors. He opposes 20 teams of three players against each other on a huge map. Like other games of the genre, you and your team enter without weapons or items and you must recover everything you need to be the last team to rank.

The biggest difference between Apex Legends and other Battle Royale games is its emphasis on character roles, which it calls Legends. Currently, there are eight legends, each with their own special abilities and ultimate abilities that charge over time. As a team, you must understand the strengths and weaknesses of your legend and know how to best use their abilities alongside others to influence your strategy. You can find out more in our breakdown of each character and their respective abilities.

Another unique mechanism is in the form of the ping system. With a dedicated button, you can "ping" slots, objects and other players, drawing their attention to the screens of your teammates. The system is robust, which allows you to communicate effectively without ever speaking to your team, which is a practical function for matches where everyone does not have a helmet.


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"Apex Legends is a mix of smart shooting ideas that make it a competitive team game that best exploits the strengths of Royal Battle while tackling many weaknesses. Respawn on the team game makes Apex more than a simple A worthy addition to the name is an indicator of the future improvement of the royal battle, "writes Phil Hornshaw, editor Chief of GameSpot. Read the full review.

Although the game is a good time, Phil did not dispute the fact that the game's victories should be a lot cooler – so much so that he wrote a whole feature about it.

The biggest news

The week since the launch of Apex Legends has resulted in a ton of big news. You will find below the last details concerning the game.

Last patch notes

Speaking of Apex Legends in constant evolution, you can get details on what's changing in the game in its latest release notes. The current patch adds the new Valentine's Day event, scale changes, bug fixes, and more.

How do microtransactions work?

Like other free games, Apex Legends offers microtransactions. The game has three different types of currency: Apex coins, legendary tokens, and craft metals. Apex coins are the only currency that can be purchased with real money. They are used to purchase Apex packages, captions, and featured items. You can buy Apex parts in the following increments:

  • 1,000 Apex coins – $ 10 / £ 8
  • 2,000 (+ 150 bonus) Apex coins – $ 20 / £ 16
  • 4000 pieces Apex – $ 40 / £ 32
  • 6000 pieces Apex – $ 60 / £ 48
  • 10,000 (+1500 Bonus) Apex Coins – $ 100 / £ 80

For more details on the microtransactions of the game, consult our complete explanatory.

How the Battle Pass works

No caption provided

Like Fortnite, Apex Legends has a Battle Pass, which works like Epic's Battle Royale game. The first Battle Pass will be launched in March and will be active for a full season, which will last about three months. You can refer to the roadmap visual above for more details on the following confirmed seasons. However, Respawn has not announced its exact start dates.

Legendary skins

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Apex Legends offers many ways to customize your appearance through appearances for your characters, weapons, poses, and banners. If we leave our past experiences playing Overwatch, the most desirable elements are probably the legendary skins. We have gathered all the solutions available in our complete skin function. In addition, you can refer to the video above for an overview of what is available in skins, weapons, banners, etc.


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Playing a new royal battle game will come with its own share of growing pains. If you have trouble getting to the top, we have several guides that you can consult. Below we have included links to our Beginner's Guide and our Firearms Guide. If you are looking for more tips, do not miss our tour of horizon guides.


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