Apex Legends: Two Simple Tips to Protect Yourself During Looting | Dexerto


Plundering death boxes in Apex Legends can be extremely dangerous – but these two simple techniques will help you improve your armament without risking your life.

After eliminating a player in Apex Legends, naturally, everyone is eager to improve his loot from his fallen enemy. However, given the likelihood that other players will enter the fight, standing over an open air death box could be fatal.

Two simple tricks have been identified that will allow players to raid under cover to avoid unnecessary damage. These techniques can help you save your life or allow you to improve your workload before the arrival of a third party.

As shown by the user Reddit u / mnkymnk, death boxes can be moved to a safe place using your character model.

Rather than looting in the open where your enemies will be visible, use your character to push the box into a room or covered before grabbing everything you need.

The same user also found a useful tip for collecting the banner of his teammates. Grenades can be used to propel their death box to protect themselves or to move away from rival players in order to be recovered safely.

Another useful tip involves a similar method. If you can not move the box easily, you can also move yourself. Once you are close enough to a death box, press the button / button to loot it, then step back slowly.

While in a radius of about five feet, you will still be able to loot the box. This is especially useful if the box is on the outside of a building. Get out, start looting, then go back inside to shelter, where you can continue to loot, even through the walls.


Plunder safely will greatly increase your chances of getting a win in Apex Legends.

At the heart of the fight, these two techniques can help you or your partner save your life in the quest for the Apex title.

It remains to be seen if this mechanism is intentional or if Respawn Entertainment will delete it in a future patch.


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