Apex Legends Voidwalker event – cosmetics, new fashion, challenges and more


Apex Legends launches another event called Voidwalker, centered around Wraith. Here is everything you need to know.

Respawn had already announced that the next event in Apex Legends was to take place in early September and we now know that he's calling Voidwalker, which will begin very soon.

The event will begin on September 3rd and will last two weeks until September 17th. Players will have a lot of content to explore.

Respawn Entertainment

Another event must begin in Apex Legends.

LTM armed and dangerous

A new time-limited mode, called Armed and Dangerous, is planned for this event. It will only include snipers and shotguns, which means that players will have to live up to their goals if they want to succeed here.

Respawn will conduct polls in the game in search of comments. Make sure you let them know if you like this LTM.

Location of the city of Wraith

A portion of King's Canyon is being reworked to reveal the project brought to light: the Wraith facility. Players will be able to explore the remains of the site through a portal that can be used to jump to the base or to escape and start a parachute jump.

Respawn says that there will be hidden details here, so be sure to pay attention when you are at this location.

Respawn Entertainment

Iron Crown is gone and Voidwalker has come in.

Cosmetics at a reduced price

Respawn listened to the backlash of the monetization of the Iron Crown event and solved this problem for Voidwalker.

Players will be able to buy $ 5 cosmetics outside the legendary skin and frame, so you do not have to worry about breaking the bank for this one.

You can check the schedule below.


Article Store Calendar for the Voidwalker event.

Challenges of the event

With this event, players can take on many challenges to win exclusive skins and Wraith-themed cosmetics.

These challenges and rewards will simply be active for the event and you can check them below.

Empty market challenges.

Double XP weekend

Players playing the weekend of September 6th at 10:00 am (Pacific Time) until 9th ​​September at 10:00 am (Eastern Time) will earn an XP double for each finish in the top 5 and win which affects the level of the account and the progress of the Battle Pass.

It will be a perfect opportunity to dive into the event and gain experience while you're there.

You can read Respawn's full post on the event here.


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