Apparently, Spotify's plan for you to use podcasts suggestions mixes them with your music


Photo: Richard Drew (AP)

After announcing its pivot to podcasts, Spotify seems to have a wacky idea of ​​how to make you listen.

Spotify is currently testing a playlist feature that will blend podcasts with its algorithmically generated music recommendations, reported The Verge on Wednesday. Dan Seifert of The Verge says this playlist is meant to be listened to during morning commutes, but she obviously has some issues to resolve if she plans to see a wider deployment along the line.

Seifert, who shared screenshots of the test on Twitter, said that all the podcasts he had seen were in a foreign language, which led the Verge to think that the test had been unveiled by accident to Seifert, but that it was tested in another region. It could also mean that Spotify's algorithms simply fail as they often do.

The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding this feature, but a Spotify spokesperson told Verge in a statement: "Always test new products and experiences, but have no other news to share for the moment.

It makes sense that the streaming app tinkers with ways to better highlight its growing selection of podcasts. Spotify has acquired a ton of podcast real estate with its purchases of Gimlet, Parcast and Anchor, and has big plans to continue expanding its offerings in this area.

The company said last year that she "was striving to make stories, culture and communities discover through audio experiences," and considers podcasts as "an integral part" of this objective. He is willing to spend for that too. In its 4th quarter report released in February, Spotify announced plans to spend between $ 400 million and $ 500 million this year on podcast acquisitions.

"Growing listening to Spotify podcasts is an important strategy to drive funnel growth, increase user engagement, reduce churn, increase revenue growth and increase margins," the company said. . "We intend to build on this strategy in 2019, both to acquire proprietary content and to increase investment in content production in-house."

The question remains, however, whether anyone really wants it. I know that in the morning, I feel a podcast or music, but never both. Mixing them together is a bit chaotic and disturbing, no matter what experience you try to live on your way to work – usually a Zen experience, as opposed to one who can not decide which station to listen to.

That said, however, a version that could work. A Discover Weekly-like situation specifically for podcasts related to your interests, perhaps. I can only speak for myself here, but I would be very happy for that.


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