Apple and Microsoft collaborate on the new iCloud for Windows application


Apple and Microsoft are working together on a new iCloud application for Windows 10. Although iCloud has always been available on Windows, this new application is available on the Microsoft Store and includes a synchronization feature based on the same technology as that of OneDrive's On-Files. Characteristic of the request. This means that you can now access iCloud files on a Windows 10 computer without syncing them completely to a computer, which saves you disk space.

A placeholder of the file itself will be downloaded and, when the file is fully used or a folder is marked for synchronization, it downloads the entire content. iCloud will also be integrated with the Windows 10 file explorer, with separate folders for applications such as Keynote, Numbers and Pages. You'll be able to access documents stored on iCloud Drive, iCloud Photos images, email, contacts, calendar, reminders, and Safari bookmarks.

It is amazing and encouraging to see Microsoft and Apple working closely on a Windows application, especially since Apple has used the latest Microsoft Windows APIs for cloud storage synchronization. This could give hope that Apple's television and music services could eventually appear on Windows. The new iCloud for Windows application is available immediately in the Microsoft Store.


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