Apple Announces Second Quarter Results


CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 30, 2019 – Apple today announced its financial results for the second quarter of its 2019 fiscal year ended March 30, 2019. The company has released a quarterly business figure of $ 58 billion, down 5% from the same quarter last year, and diluted quarterly earnings per share of $ 2.46, down 10%. International sales accounted for 61% of sales in the quarter.

"Our March results show the continued strength of our installed base of more than 1.4 billion active devices, as we set an all-time record for services, as well as the strong momentum of our Wearables category, Home and Accessories, which opens a new quarter in March. record, "said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO." We have experienced the fastest growth of our iPad in six years and we are still excited about our portfolio of hardware, software and innovative services. look forward to sharing more with developers and customers at Apple's 30th Worldwide Developer Conference in June. "

"We generated $ 11.2 billion in operating cash flow in March and continued to make significant investments in all areas of our business," said Luca Maestri, Chief Financial Officer of Apple. "We also donated more than $ 27 billion to shareholders through share buybacks and dividends. Given our confidence in Apple's future and the value we place on our business, our board of directors has authorized the purchase of an additional $ 75 billion. We are also increasing our quarterly dividend for the seventh time in less than seven years. "

Reflecting the approved increase, Apple's board of directors declared a cash dividend of $ 0.77 per share of the company's common shares, an increase of 5%. The dividend is payable on May 16, 2019 to shareholders of record at the close of business on May 13, 2019.

The management team and the board will continue to review each element of the capital return program and plan to provide an annual program update.

Apple provides the following guidance for its third quarter of fiscal year 2019:

  • revenues between $ 52.5 and $ 54.5 billion
  • gross margin between 37 and 38%
  • operating expenses between $ 8.7 billion and $ 8.8 billion
  • other income / expense of $ 250 million
  • tax rate of about 16.5%
Apple will broadcast live its second quarter 2019 financial results conference call starting at 2:00 pm. PDT on April 30, 2019 at This webcast may also be replayed approximately two weeks later.
Apple periodically provides information to investors on its corporate website,, and its investor relations website, This includes news releases and other financial performance information, reports filed or provided to the SEC, information on corporate governance, and details of its annual meeting of shareholders.


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