Apple Arcade unveiled: a new game subscription service for iOS, Mac and Apple TV


As we say recently, Apple is expanding its presence in the gaming industry with a new game subscription service. Named Apple Arcade, the service is designed to provide access to games for mobile, desktop and living room. You can see below a brief overview of the trailer or see our summary of our knowledge about Apple Arcade.

The Apple service essentially takes the form of a monthly subscription offering unlimited access to a selection of paid titles on the App Store; it looks a bit like Xbox Game Pass. Development partners include Sega, Konami, Disney, Sumo Digital, Cartoon Network, etc. – more than 100 exclusive games will now be part of the service. Other games will be added "all the time," the company said, although the exact pace for the new releases has not been shared.

Apple Arcade is not limited to iOS games, although they work on devices such as iPhones and iPads. Beyond that, you can play on MacOS and Apple TV, which means that these games cover mobile phones, laptops and television. And these versions will not work independently of each other; your progress transfers between the different platforms. In other words, for example, you can switch from playing content on your phone to your TV or laptop, which is not entirely different from the vision Google has recently exposed with Stadia .

Apple went on to say that each game would be playable offline, while future updates and downloadable content would be included at no additional cost. Apple Arcade will have its own tab on the App Store and the games will be ad-free and microtransactions.

Apple Arcade will be available in 150 countries this fall. A key piece of information – how much it will cost – has not been shared yet. Apple says prices and more details are yet to come.

During the event, we briefly reviewed some of the games on offer at the service, and others were subsequently confirmed in a press release. Among the confirmed games are Sonic Racing, Lego Brawls, Oceanhorn 2, Overland, Fantasian (from the creator of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi) and Beyond the Steel Sky (on which Dave Gibbons, famous for Watchmen) works. We have also received a list of Apple Arcade developers and publishers, including names such as Lego, Disney, Sega and Konami.

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Apple said it would "contribute to development costs and work closely with creators to bring the games to life," suggesting that it would do more than pay developers to have their games included.

"The App Store is the largest and most powerful gaming platform in the world, and we're going to push games even further with Apple Arcade, the first mobile gaming subscription service. desktops and living room, "said Phil Schiller, the Apple branding manager. "We are working with some of the world's most innovative game developers to create more than 100 new exclusive games for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV, and Apple Arcade games will be perfect for families, respect the privacy of the game. user and no ads or additional purchases We believe that gamers of all ages will love Apple Arcade. "

Unlike the recently announced Google Stadia, or PlayStation Now and Microsoft's xCloud, Apple's service is not cloud-based. The company also unveiled its new Apple TV + service and a variety of exclusive original programs.


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