Apple augmented reality glasses tips found in iOS code 13


By William Gallagher
Monday 02 September 2019, 2:36 PT (05:36 ET)

References to stereo augmented reality applications, as well as the code name "Garta", have been spotted in Apple's internal versions for iOS 13 – the following and apparently refutes previous reports that Apple would have abandoned the concept.

Apple loves ARs, but it certainly does not expect us to see the world through the iPads all the time

Apple loves ARs, but it certainly does not expect us to see the world through the iPads all the time

The documentation regarding Apple's internal beta testing for iOS 13 would include many references to features and applications that support a type of AR Glasses device. Although this does not mean that we will see the anti-UV goggles launched soon, this seems to mean that recent reports on the disappearance of the device were as fake as AppleInsider I said.

Now, according to MacRumeurs, Apple's internal beta for iOS 13 includes a series of proofs about RA. These include an application called STARTester, which seems to emulate a noise-canceling headset for testing purposes. This test application includes references to different states when a device is "worn" or "held".

Apparently, there is even a readme file that refers to a system called StarBoard for stereo AR applications and names a device called Garta. Previously, Apple's internal code name for the entire anti-glare glasses project was 'T288'. It is therefore possible that it is one of the many devices in this range.

In addition to this Readme file and the test application, the code for this internal version of iOS 13 includes references to "StarBoard mode", to "ARStarBoardViewController", and so on.

What will be seen in the next iOS 13 is the series of improvements made by Apple to ARKit, the company's framework for integrating augmented reality functions into applications.


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