Apple beats Epic’s effort to restore Fortnite to the app store


Apple Inc. did not have to reinstate immediately Fortnite from Epic Games Inc. on its App Store, a first legal victory for the iPhone maker in an increasingly intense battle over the tolls charged to app makers.

But U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’ ruling on Monday night was not a total loss for Epic, as it granted the company’s request for a temporary order preventing Apple from limiting the game developer’s ability to provide Unreal Engine, a key graphics technology, for other applications.

The mixed move comes as Apple faces a backlash from some app developers who say its standard App Store fee of 30% and other policies are unfair and designed to benefit people. iPhone manufacturer services. The fight erupted on August 13 when Epic told its customers it would start offering a discounted direct purchase plan for Fortnite items, and Apple subsequently removed the game app, cutting off access. for over a billion iPhone and iPad customers.

Apple made no immediate comment on the decision. Epic did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Rogers said in a hearing earlier today that the case was not “Slam dunk” for both sides and warned that his temporary restraining order would not dictate the final outcome of the litigation. She held a September 28 hearing on Epic’s preliminary injunction request.

Epic violated its agreements with Apple by trying to make money on Fortnite purchases while gaining free access to Apple’s platform, but did not violate any contracts related to Unreal Engine and developer tools, has Rogers said.

By limiting Unreal Engine, “Apple has chosen to act severely,” hurting third-party developers who use Epic’s technology platform, Rogers said.

“Epic Games and Apple are free to argue against each other, but their dispute should not wreak havoc on viewers,” she wrote.


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