Apple eliminates Siri's privacy problems, jostling workers / Boing Boing


Good news to all: Apple is really sorry to have recorded our conversations with Siri. In a statement released earlier today, the company's main spokesmen said they realized that "… did not live up to our highest ideals." The letter goes on to say that, to compensate for their spying maneuvers, Apple will make some changes to the way Siri acts.

From Apple:

First, by default, we no longer keep audio recordings of Siri interactions. We will continue to use computer-generated transcripts to help Siri improve.

Secondly, users will be able to choose to help Siri improve by taking advantage of audio samples of their requests. We hope that many people will choose to help Siri to improve, knowing that Apple respects their data and has powerful privacy controls. Those who choose to participate will be able to withdraw at any time.

Third, when customers wish, only Apple employees will be allowed to listen to audio samples of Siri interactions. Our team will work on the removal of any record considered as an accidental trigger of Siri.

This, of course, is great news for anyone using Apple's Siri Voice Assistant. Unfortunately, it will take fewer people to monitor conversations between business customers and their technicians, which probably means that some resources will have to be moved to make things easier – wait, what?

From the guardian:

Hundreds of Apple workers in Europe responsible for checking Siri registrations for errors have lost their jobs after the company announced the suspension of the program earlier this month.

More than 300 employees had their contracts terminated at the company's only facilities in Cork, according to former employees, and others were sent home from other locations in Europe.

The staff had been on paid leave since August 2, the day Apple announced its decision to suspend the program, called "ranking" because it had "conducted a thorough review."

Some of the people who were canned as a result of Apple's privacy policy change were warned a little over a week in advance that their job and, therefore, their ability to pay their bills and to eat, was coming to an end.

Coating an area of ​​your business in shit to try to clean something else will never allow you to recover.

Image via Wikipedia Commons

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Seamus Bellamy is a full-time tramp who writes about technology, travel and dark, delicious things while crisscrossing the world with his partner and their little one, Boudica.

Go ahead, follow him on Twitter @SeamusBellamy



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