Apple fired senior engineer after raising concerns about harassment


Ashley Gjøvik, senior engineering program manager at Apple, has publicly tweeted allegations of harassment and surveillance at the company for months. Now, Apple has fired her for allegedly “disclosing” inside information.

Gjøvik Customs The edge that she faced retaliation and intimidation from Apple almost immediately after making her fight known to the public. “I am disappointed that a company that I have loved since I was a little girl treated their employees this way,” she said.

His journey with the public began in March this year after voicing concerns about building his office at a historic site of waste contamination. A week later, she started receiving intimidating messages from her managers. This problem has escalated into a mess of harassment and privacy concerns.

Now Apple has officially severed all ties with Gjøvik. The company says it’s because its public tweets about ongoing investigations amounted to disclosing company secrets.

Quite serious allegations – In a web page devoted to his chronology of events since March of this year, Gjøvik calls his story a “saga of denunciation”. And it really is a saga.

The long and short story of Gjøvik is that for most of 2021 she voiced concerns about sexism, a hostile work environment, sexual harassment, working conditions dangerous and retaliation. She brought these concerns to Apple and also tweeted about them in front of an audience.

Rather than fully face the issues Gjøvik raised, Apple offered him therapy and medical leave. She pushed back, seeking greater corporate responsibility, and was instead put on administrative leave in August.

Expelled for speaking out – Yesterday, a member of Apple’s employee relations team reached out to Gjøvik for an appointment as soon as possible. Gjøvik requested that the meeting be kept as a written record, so that it can be forwarded to the National Labor Relations Board, where she opened an investigation earlier this year. Apple took this as its refusal to meet with them and said that given the “seriousness of these allegations”, its access to Apple systems would be terminated immediately.

In explaining his dismissal, Apple claims that Gjøvik disclosed “confidential product information”. It is not known what information Apple is referring to. In a statement to The edge, Apple said it was not discussing “employee specific issues.” Gjøvik is far from the first Apple employee to voice concerns about working conditions. We bet she won’t be the last either.


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