Apple has rewritten Siri to escape questions about feminism and #MeToo


The memos describe in detail a project in which the company explicitly rewrote how Siri treats certain topics so that it (and by extension Apple) appears neutral. And, in some respects, Siri's current responses are an improvement over what the PDS has said about such issues in the past – but not much. For example, Siri said, "I just do not understand this case of gender" when asked about topics such as gender equality. The documents describe a company that does everything possible to not disturb anyone. "In almost all cases, Siri has no point of view," writes Apple in a recommendation. He adds that Siri is "nonhuman", "without place" and "without sex".

When asked to comment on the document in The GuardianAn Apple spokesperson said, "Our approach is to be factual with inclusive responses rather than offering opinions." The irony of the situation is that in its attempt to avoid conflict, Apple is likely to upset people for not taking a stand. Trying to be neutral is a political position. It's a decision not to address issues that have a material impact on people's daily lives.


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