Apple II manual signed by Steve Jobs just sold for almost $ 800,000


Boston-based RR Auction on Thursday sold an Apple II manual signed by the company’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, for $ 787,484.

The 196-page computer manual is signed and written opposite the table of contents: “Julian, Your generation is the first to grow up with computers. Go and change the world! Steven jobs, 1980.”

It is also signed by Mike Markkula, one of Apple’s early investors and the company’s second CEO.

The manual was signed while Jobs and Markkula were in the UK promoting Apple, RR Auction said in a statement announcing the sale. The recipient was Julian Brewer, the son of an entrepreneur who worked with Apple to distribute their products in the UK.

“I was sitting in my bedroom writing games on my Apple II when dad called me to meet some guests,” Brewer said. “To my amazement, it was Steve Jobs and Mike Markkula. I had the manual with me and only later realized how rare it was for Jobs to sign anything, let alone write. an inscription like this. He got along well with daddy, so I feel like the inscription was done with care. “

Launched in 1977, the Apple II was the company’s first successful product and is widely regarded as one of the first computers designed for the mass market. The first computer spreadsheet, VisiCalc, was written for the Apple II in 1979 and extended the popularity of the computer to the professional market.

The manual detailed the technical architecture of the Apple II and even included a collapsible diagram of its main logic board.

“While the Apple I was primarily aimed at hobbyists, with less than 200 units manufactured, the Apple II really ‘changed the world’ by giving approximately 6 million homes and businesses their first glimpse of computing. Apple II revenues supported the successful launch of Apple, the largest technology IPO of the time, ”said RR Auction.

Jim Irsay, owner of the Indianapolis Colts, made the winning bid for the manual.

“When we think of the greatest and most innovative minds of the past two centuries, Steve Jobs must certainly be included among them,” Irsay said in a statement provided to the auction house. “Jobs was a truly transformative figure who changed the way human beings think, do business and interact on a daily basis. “

RR Auction has also sold other items related to Jobs and Apple, including a signed letter from Jobs in which he sarcastically states: “I’m afraid I won’t sign autographs.”

It sold for $ 479,939.


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