Apple II manual signed by Steve Jobs sells for $ 787,483


An Apple II manual signed by Steve Jobs and Mike Markkula sold for $ 787,484 at auction this month after collecting 46 bids.

Steve Jobs signed the Apple II manual
The 196-page manual was addressed to Julian Brewer, Michael Brewer’s son. Michael Brewer negotiated the distribution rights for Apple in the UK in 1979, and the manual contained a personal message. “Julian, your generation is the first to grow up with computers. Go change the world! Steven Jobs, 1980,” the note to Jobs read.

Julian remembers, “I was sitting in my room writing games on my Apple II when dad called me to meet some guests. To my surprise, it was Steve Jobs and Mike Markkula. It was for Jobs to sign anything, let alone write an entry like this. He got along well with dad, so I think the registration was done with care. “

RR Auctions, the site that sold the Apple II manual, also auctioned off other Steve Jobs memorabilia that fetched high prices. A letter from Steve Jobs that said “I’m afraid I won’t sign autographs” sold for $ 479,939, and a NeXTSTEP software package sold for $ 210,325.

apple 1 computer

A working Apple-1 computer previously owned by Roger Wagner fetched $ 464,876, which is lower than some previous Apple-1 computers have sold. A signed Macintosh 128K motherboard sold for $ 132,049, and an Apple Lisa computer sold for $ 94,949.

steve jobs bomber jacket

A copy of Macworld # 1 that was signed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak sold for $ 201,021, and a leather bomber jacket that was worn by Jobs in the 1983 photo of “IBM’s finger” sold for $ 66,466.


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