Apple is one of our biggest competitors


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used the opening speech of the company’s fourth quarter earnings call to blast Apple over its upcoming privacy changes and to say Facebook is increasingly looking at Apple. as one of its biggest competitors.

Apple is preparing for a software change that will more clearly ask iPhone and iPad users if they want to share their information for ad tracking purposes. The online advertising industry expects to be affected as a certain percentage of users choose not to share this information.

Facebook, which derives almost all of its revenue from online advertising, has been outspoken about the changes, running newspaper ads, publishing a website, and posting a blog post outlining its arguments against Apple over the change it is making. claims “personalized advertising threat that millions of small businesses rely on to find and reach customers.”

Zuckerberg, in his comments, suggested that Apple use its position to help its own services, especially its iMessage service, which competes with Facebook’s Messenger and WhatsApp services.

“IMessage is a key part of their ecosystem,” he said. “It’s pre-installed on every iPhone and they prefer it with APIs and private permissions, which is why iMessage is the most widely used email service in the US.”

He said that Apple’s business increasingly relies on taking a stake in apps and services.

“Apple has every interest in using its dominant position on the platform to interfere with the operation of our apps and other apps, which they regularly do to prefer theirs,” he said. “This is impacting the growth of millions of businesses around the world, including with the upcoming changes to iOS 14.”

Zuckerberg also reiterated Facebook’s argument that Apple’s privacy changes will make it harder for small businesses to be able to reach their customers with targeted ads.

“Apple can say they are doing this to help people, but the movements are clearly following the interests of their competition,” he said. “We and others are going to be facing this for the foreseeable future.”

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