Apple just had to stick with Microsoft


There you were looking forward to the return of the signature Apple chime.

Or maybe you were in awe of the skillful power of Apple’s new M1 chip.

However, after Tim Cook had said his farewells, the Apple Chipped Silicon event was over and the Apple logo had regained its shine, Bill Gates appeared.

Well, not the man himself, but his embodiment in actor John Hodgman.

Those who vape regularly may not remember Apple’s stunning, utterly insulting Microsoft ad campaign called ‘Get A Mac’.

Hodgman was the ill-dressed, slightly greasy embodiment of the PC geek, juxtaposed with the laid-back Apple cool of Justin Long.

On Tuesday there was Hodgman again. A little older, a little fatter.

“One more thing. Hi !,” he began.


He continued, “I’m a PC. Is there time for questions because I have one? Why, why, why make all of this progress?”

Well, to sell more computers, John.

“Oh, you’re so calm now,” Hodgman said, referring to Apple’s very welcome fan removal from its new laptops.

What is the problem? PCs are machines. Machines are supposed to make noise. That’s why Apple brought back its chime, right?

As for longer battery life, Hodgman’s solution is to simply plug in your machine.

Finally, he tried to show how fast PCs still are. By standing still and waving his arms.

He was out of breath. “My battery is dead. I have to go,” he explained.

It wasn’t exactly the funniest example of Apple’s Hodgman-based art. Some might even have found him a little tense. Still, it’s still a tribute to the rise of Macs and PC stumbles.

Why, not so long ago, I asked a Best Buy salesperson what the best Windows laptop was and he pointed out a MacBook.

It’s curious that Apple suddenly wants to twist its knife in PCs after spending long enough not caring. In recent years, Microsoft has chosen to mock Apple a little more often.

I guess, however, that in our remote times, Apple wanted to make people laugh. And, for those who have stuck beyond the logo, Cupertino has achieved that. Fair.


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