Apple Mac Pro (2019): Specifications, Features, Release Date


At his year Monday's developer conference, Apple finally delivered what professional designers, photographers, video editors and other creative professionals who grew up with the company's machines were expecting: multiple references to the progressive rock band Rush. Unfortunately, this news was quickly overshadowed by the incredibly powerful new Mac Pro.

Too bad for the infidels who have abandoned the previous version of Mac Pro, long neglected, and bought the recently upgraded iMac, because Apple has finally created a Mac Pro worthy of the name. The appearance of the computer also refers to the design language used on the Mac Pro for two generations, which means that the best Apple machine once again looks like a huge cheese grater.

WWDC speeches generally avoid specs, but Apple has presented its statistics on the scene with statistics and numbers for the announcement of the new desktop computer, touting the details of the graphics cards and brightness nits on the monitor. Apple has clearly taken notes from its professional users, because this is exactly the kind of detail that interests the professional audience. The new Mac Pro is, by design, a high-end machine. It also has a high price that few people will be able to justify.

Gross power


The new Mac Pro starts at $ 5999 for the 8-core model with 32GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD. This can be configured up to a 28-core model with 1.5 terabytes of RAM. A new Pro Display XDR (also a new Apple product) associated with your workstation will cost you $ 4,999 more for the base model, bringing the cost of a full installation to $ 11,000. And that's only the entry-level configuration.

The new Mac Pro is focused on processing power and graphics. It can handle up to four AMD Radeon Pro Vega II graphics cards, which will give you enough power to simultaneously play three streams of 8K video – a feat that Apple has demonstrated in the WWDC speech.

Apple has resisted some of its own design trends by making the Mac Pro case easy to open. This is a Mac that can be upgraded by the user with up to eight PCI Express expansion slots, which is twice as much as the latest Mac Pro, released in 2013. The latter is also equipped with removable wheels and is designed to function as a rack-mounted system. well.

Apple also offers a new hardware acceleration card called Afterburner. It's the magic behind the Mac Pro's ability to handle these three simultaneous streams of 8K ProRes RAW footage, which you get from RED and similar high-end cameras used for making professional movies. With the graphics card that supports video playback, you can use all of these main processor cores to handle creative effects and other processing tasks.

On the display


Even the most powerful video editing workstation is nothing without a screen capable of best representing the output of the machine. For this, Apple has delivered something that could be more impressive than the Mac Pro. The XDR Pro Display is a 32-inch Retina 6K monitor. It offers up to 1,600 nits of brightness and 1,000 nites indefinitely. This is an impressive and achievable flow, because the back of the monitor is widely ventilated to prevent overheating of the intestines. The rear vent uses the same cheese rasp pattern as the new Mac Pro for visual synchronicity. A unique hinge mechanism adjusts the height and angle, as well as the orientation in 90 degree portrait mode.

The contrast ratio of Pro Display XDR is one million to one. In case you are not an expert in monitors, the new material is classified in the category of "reference screens". These displays are incredibly expensive tools (think five digits), used primarily in high-end production workshops. For those in the video production industry, the $ 4,999 price of the XDR Pro Display probably looks like a bargain sale.

The new material can be worth every penny, and we'll know for sure when both machines arrive this fall. But it is still a lot of money.

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