Apple Releases First AirPods Pro Firmware Beta For Developers – Here’s How To Install It


Apple today officially released the first beta firmware for AirPods Pro users. The new beta enables features like spatial audio for FaceTime as well as ambient noise reduction, but the beta installation process requires you to be using Xcode on your Mac. See you below for all the details.

AirPods Pro beta firmware is only available to developers, and the configuration profile is only available through Apple’s developer website. There is no way to downgrade once you install the beta firmware on your AirPods, so proceed with caution.

Apple has promised the AirPods Pro beta firmware will be available this summer at WWDC this year, and this week it was quietly added to the “More Downloads” section of the Apple Developer website. The exit was first spotted by Mac Cult.

Apple explains:

installed on your AirPods Pro, the beta software cannot be removed. Your unit will continue to run this software until an updated non-beta version of the software is released. Until then, you will automatically receive any additional beta software updates as long as you have enabled your AirPods Pro to receive them by following the steps below.

The prerequisites for running the AirPods Pro beta include a Mac running Xcode 13 beta, an iPhone running iOS 15 beta 15, and a set of fully loaded AirPods Pro. You will need to install a setup profile on your iPhone first, then pair your AirPods Pro with your iPhone, then use Xcode to allow your AirPods Pro to receive beta software updates.

Apple says:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac.
  2. Launch Xcode 13 beta on your Mac.
  3. On your iPhone, go to Settings> Developer, then choose Firmware Preview Beta.
  4. Find your AirPods Pro in the list of paired devices, then tap to turn on automatic beta software updates.
  5. Read and follow the onscreen instructions to receive beta software updates. Please be patient; It may take up to 24 hours for these updates to be received and installed.

The first beta includes the new FaceTime Spatial Audio feature as well as the ambient noise reduction feature. The Conversation Boost feature is not available in the first beta.

Spatial audio in FaceTime: Creates a sound field that helps conversations go as smoothly as they do face to face. Your friends’ voices are distributed to sound as if they are coming from the direction they are positioned during the call.

Apple provides more details on how to install AirPods Pro beta firmware in a detailed PDF document on its developer website.

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