Apple shares memorial to Steve Jobs on 10th anniversary of his death


Apple is commemorating the death of its co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs with a new short film and a personal statement from the family of the visionary tech leader. Jobs passed away 10 years ago, on October 5, 2011, after an uphill battle with pancreatic cancer.

The short – which currently took over Apple’s landing page – commemorates Jobs’ life in photos, videos and some of his most iconic quotes, from “the computer is a bike for the mind” to introductions by iMac, iPod, and iPhone.

Apple also released a statement from Jobs’ family, shared below:

For a decade now, grief and healing have gone hand in hand. Our gratitude has grown as great as our loss.

Each of us has found our own path to consolation, but we have come together in a beautiful place of love for Steve and what he has taught us.

Despite all of Steve’s gifts, it is his teaching power that has endured. He taught us to be open to the beauty of the world, to be curious about new ideas, to see the next turn and most of all to stay humble in our own beginner’s mind.

There is still a lot that we see through his eyes, but he has also learned to seek us out on our own. He gave us material to live on, and it served us well.

One of our greatest sources of solace has been our association of Steve with beauty. The sight of something beautiful – a wooded hill, a well-made object – reminds us of his spirit. Even in his years of suffering, he never lost his faith in the beauty of existence.

Memory is insufficient for what is in our hearts: we miss it deeply. We were lucky to have him as a husband and father.

Michael Dell, Founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, spoke with CNET on his work with Jobs. “You can’t follow the rules and make amazing things happen. Steve was certainly exceptional in this regard, ”says Dell.

Tim Cook, Jobs’ successor as CEO, shared his thoughts with Apple employees via a company-wide memo, obtained by Bloomberg. “[Steve] challenged us to see the world not for what it was, but for what it could be, ”Cook writes. “I feel so lucky that we spend our days creating extremely innovative tools that connect people, inspire them to think differently and also allow them to make their own dent in the universe. “

Jony Ive, close friend, Jobs collaborator and former Apple design director offered his memories of Jobs yesterday in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. “My understanding of him refuses to stay comfortable or still, ”Ive writes. “He truly believed that by doing something useful, empowering and beautiful, we are expressing our love for humanity… I miss Steve desperately and I will always fail to speak to him.”

Apple’s commemorative video is available on its site. For more information on Jobs and Apple’s disproportionate impact on the world at large, you should listen to the current (fifth) season of Land of the Giants.

Update October 5, 2:03 p.m. ET: Addition of Tim Cook’s memo from Bloomberg and Cook’s tweet sharing the Apple memorial.


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