Apple sues a company that sells a complete virtual iPhone with iOS


We know that Apple offers special iPhones to some security researchers looking for a big salary up to $ 1.5 million. The jackpot will return to the researcher who will find a flaw in the iPhone and in iOS that will allow a hacker to take full control of the iPhone without the phone owner having to touch to no part of the device. This discovery is enough for $ 1 million. Any vulnerabilities found on beta software will reward the researcher with a 50% bonus. This is because the discovery takes place before the software has been released to the public.
To help researchers detect flaws in iOS, a company called Corellium offers them a virtual version of the iPhone and iOS in recent years. According to Bloomberg, Apple is not attending this hearing and has filed a lawsuit in the Southern District Federal District Court for what it calls "a simple infringement case to a work of great value protected by copyright ". Apple points out that without obtaining a license or authorization from Apple, Corellium offers a "virtual" version of Apple devices with "careful attention to detail" . The technology giant says that on a Web browser, the facsimile looks and responds in the same way as the mobile device its customers pay, but Corellium also includes the appropriate computer code.

And of course, you could say that Corellium is doing a great service to Apple by selling the virtual iPhone because it will help the researchers to pass on their discoveries to Apple. However, as Apple points out in the lawsuit, those who paid to use the virtual iPhone ended up selling their discovered flaws to third-party exploiters. This makes sense because a private installation of the virtual iPhone costs up to $ 1 million according to court documents filed by Apple.

Corellium subscribers can choose the iPhone model and iOS version that they want to run virtually.

Apple says that at the Black Hat security conference that was held earlier this month, Corellium "specifically pointed out" that its Apple product is an exact copy of copyright protected works. author of Apple. It was created to help researchers and hackers to test the vulnerabilities of iOS. Apple even points out that 15 days after the unveiling of the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR on September 12, 2018, Corellium announced that its Apple product was supporting the new phones and the latest version of iOS.

An image included in the combination shows how Corellium subscribers can even choose the virtual iPhone that they wish to use, then select the version of iOS that they wish to run. Once a subscriber has created a virtual iPhone, you can create copies of the virtual device and the selected iOS version. Apple claims that Corellium's servers contain "many copies of iOS".

Apple is seeking a permanent injunction against Corellium and an order preventing the company from marketing, selling and distributing its Apple product. Apple also wants to prevent all subscribers from using the virtual iPhone and that the defendant sends a notice to its subscribers, past and present, telling them that the use of the product violates the rights of the subscriber. author of Apple. Apple also wants all counterfeit material to be destroyed and claims damages, loss of profit, court costs and legal fees.


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