Apple to pay $ 113 million to strangle older iPhones in new ‘battery’ regulation


Apple doesn’t often apologize, but it’s a big deal when it does – like in 2017, after customers realized the company quietly slashed the speed of older iPhones. Apple was quick to explain that it was designed to protect these phones from aging batteries and offered $ 29 battery replacements to make things easier, but lawsuits followed, with the company initially agreeing to a class action settlement of $ 500 million earlier this year.

Now the company has agreed to a second settlement – this time with 34 US states – that could see it pay an additional $ 113 million. State attorneys general sued Apple for hiding both the throttling and battery degradation from iPhone owners, arguing that Apple “fully understood” that by covering up the problems, it could spend a year to take advantage of people who bought a new iPhone when they needed to replace their phone battery to avoid unexpected slowdowns or shutdowns.

Apple denied that, of course, and the settlement means a court won’t decide whether there has been actual wrongdoing.

The settlement (PDF) has yet to be fully approved by a judge, but states may see their money earlier than iPhone owners. If you requested your $ 25 from the $ 500 million class action lawsuit settlement, you probably did so in July, but the process is still ongoing. There is a fairness hearing on December 4 that will decide whether the settlement was dealt with properly. Currently, Apple will pay a minimum of $ 310 million to settle this earlier lawsuit and up to $ 500 million depending on the number of claims. It is too late to submit new applications now, as the deadline ended in October.


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