Apple tries to elucidate Google's claims about iOS vulnerabilities


Apple reiterates that the vulnerabilities highlighted by Google have been corrected in February. The attack reportedly affected less than a dozen websites aimed at the Uyghur community. Apple believes that attacks on websites have been operational only for about two months, not two years, as Google's security researchers write. Apple would have corrected the problem within 10 days of learning.

Google responded with the following statement:

"Project Zero publishes technical research designed to advance the understanding of security vulnerabilities, leading to better defense strategies.We maintain our extensive research that has been written to focus on the technical aspects of these vulnerabilities. We will continue to work with Apple and other large companies to keep people safe online. "

Still, according to Apple, security is one of its top priorities. "Regardless of the scale of the attack, we take the safety of all users very seriously." Google researchers have pointed to other iOS security flaws earlier this summer, and Apple recently had to fix a bug that allowed users to jailbreak their phones. If nothing else, it reminds that cybersecurity is a battle in progress.

Update from 06/09/2019 15:25 ET: This story has been updated to include a Google statement.


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