Apple video service can charge $ 10 each for HBO, Showtime and Starz


The expected information service would cost $ 10 per month and provide access to more than 200 magazines or more (such as Charm and People) as well as newspapers. This would be an extended version of Texture in this sense. Apple could also have a particular goal in mind. the WSJThe sources understand that Apple will focus mainly on the "general information, politics and lifestyles" of this newspaper rather than its traditional commercial news, and that the media will engage more journalists to "help feed" the news service. # 39; Apple.

As long as it's what Apple announces on March 25th, it's potentially a good deal. HBO Now, for example, charges $ 15 per month. If the services are comparable, you may save a third on the price. Whether convincing or not, it's another story. Apple will have to show that its mix of originals and thirds is enough to warrant one or two more subscriptions compared to broadcast heavyweights such as Amazon and Netflix.


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